Fanfare Fold Video
Another Look At Retiring Bundles

Time To Take A Closer Look

Have you taken a close look at the savings you will be missing in the new Catalog?  We all know we love savings and I am sure you looked over the retirement list and thought good some of the items on my wish list will still be available so I am good.  Well not necessarily.   If you have any bundles on your wish list, and they are carrying over in the new catalog, you will not get the 10 percent discount unless you order now.

I thought I would share some of my favorite bundles with you in this catalog.

Swirlybird #lindabauwin

I so love the Swirly Bird and have done so many great cards and 3-D projects with it.  Thought I would share a couple.

#swirlyscribbles #lindabauwin

The swirly line makes for a perfect border.  And check out this Creative Fold done with more pieces from that bundle

#swirlybird Linda Bauwin

Did you miss the post on this Creative Fold you can check it out here.

And how can you not love the Jar of Love Bundle?

#jaroflove #lindabauwin

This bundle has so many uses and looks totally different with so many different stamps.  Below you will see it done as a Shaker Card.  If you missed that post you can check out here, as there is a video that shows you how easy it is to make a shaker card with it..

#jaroflove #lindabauwin

 And I can't forget the adorable Snow Shaker Card.  Simply adorable.  There is a video to show you how to make this too.  So don't miss it.

Over the coming weeks, I will share more of the must have bundles leaving this catalog.  So stay tune.  If you haven't looked close at the retirement list maybe you should.  

Click to shop retiring STAMP SETS

Click to shop retiring BUNDLES

Click to shop retiring EVERYTHING ELSE


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