Stamping Day
January 21, 2015
This past weekend Jay and I were blessed by going to Rochester, NY to stamp with the demonstrators in my TEAM up there. As you can see, little Sweetie went with us. She too loves gathering with her Stamping Aunts. What a fun day of sharing. So thankful for the weather, as you never know about travelling RT 90 along Lake Erie from Ashtabula, OH to Rochester, NY, but we had clear roads the whole way.
By all the smiles I think everyone enjoyed themselves.
I think being around all the women Jay & Sweetie got a little tired. We caught them in the corner taking a little snooze.
Many of these same ladies plan on joining me on my Stamp Retreat in March. Stamping in the Woods. Have you thought about joining us?
Don't delay as registrations are coming in fast. I think ladies are needing a stamp escape.